Sunday, April 18, 2010

Britt Nicole/Natalie Grant/Phil Stacey Concert

Hey everyone! Here are some recent pictures from a recent great concert! :) I am so sorry I haven't updated this blog for a LONG time. I have just been so busy. I hope you enjoy these shots! :)


  1. Love your pictures, especially those of Phil Stacey. I have been his fan since his days on "American Idol," and have recently met him. He is awesome. Keep up your photography! Great job.:-)

  2. Oh, that is cool. Yeah--I'm glad to see that he seems to be a dedicated Christian. :) & He has a great voice! Aww thank you so much! :)

  3. Getting into some photo shops? (pics w/ blurs)

    Overall, nicely shot! Hope to tons more like this!

  4. hey taylor!(: this is ayanna davis. me and my mom love the pictures of jojo!(: you did a wonderful job and now we have pictures to show everyone!(: thank you soooooo much!(:
